Crafting a Vision: Shaping the 'Responsible Business' Narrative for the Future of Life Insurance.


We were invited by the CEO of Aegon to create the new story and Purpose of Aegon and TransAmerica in the US.

The business had a clear strategy for the future, rooted in over 170 years of history and a strong brand reputation. But what does the future look like? What role does longevity of life play in the future of life insurance? How do we bring a passion for what we do to live? And what did it look like and sound like?

In other words, what does the world need from a brand like Aegon?

We worked closely with the CEO and heads of Strategy and Communications to create the new narrative around the “Responsible Business” theme.

We interviewed various board members and created a series of workshops to fully understand the visible and invisible narrative of the business, its people, and its ways of working. This was not a story issued by the CEO but a story created by the business,

Based on one of Aesop’s fables, the final narrative explored singularity, population growth, ageing populations and health issues to create a clear vision for the business and its next steps. The story was the blueprint for various products, including messaging pieces for the CEO and his team.


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