Feeding the Future: Crafting an Employee Value Proposition for Nutreco, Skretting, and TrouwNutrition.
Nutreco, Skretting and TrouwNutrition make feed for pigs, cows, sheep, chickens and over sixty types of fish. But their ambition is bigger than just food production. They want to feed the future.
The challenge was to create an Employee Value Proposition and subsequent Employer Brand that would put the purpose of the businesses front and centre. Anm EVP so deeply resonated with the business and with potential recruits, that whenever prospective candidates saw a job advert, they would know exactly what the business stood for and what they could expect. How do you distil the essence of a brand down into a few words and images?
The starting point was to distil down the values, story, purpose and extensive employee research. Interviews were done across all countries, demographics and longevity in the business. What is the unique essence of a brand like Nutreco? What is in their DNA that no other organisation can offer? How do the promise and expectations match daily reality in the business? Three or four different EVPs were created and tested before the final direction was chosen.
Once the final EVP was locked, we created the broader Employer Brand framework before working with the agency to create the short copy that would bring the essence of the business and the EVP to life.