NS Transformation: Merging Commerce and IT for High-Performance Success

We partnered with Fæbric to support merging two business units, commerce and IT, within NS. The overarching challenge was creating a high-performing and adaptive organisation to achieve business goals and grow employee engagement effectively.

We worked with each of the 30 teams to support them in creating, being energised by and empowered by:

  • their shared purpose

  • what other teams expected

  • what was in and out of scope

  • the culture they wanted to work in

  • the guiding principles that influenced team actions

  • This was fully documented, recorded, and shared internally on SharePoint.

Every team has a purpose, a way of working and working with other teams. What was their new purpose? Where were their priorities? What did they do and not do? And what was the underlying way of working they wanted to create to make it happen?

Individuals were given the tools to express the inexpressible and make the invisible essence of who they were, their ambition, and what they wanted visible to the rest of their team members. We then worked to create a new shared vision for each team: their core deliverables and the principles they wanted to impact their behaviour.

The result is a new Operating organisation working in a systemic and result-oriented structure, delivering a meaningful journey in the context of evolving traveller needs.

500 FTE, € 2,5B revenue, 90 teams, commerce, and IT fully integrated into one delivery organisation


Transforming PostNL: Crafting a Purpose-Driven Narrative for the Future of Postal Services.


Crafting a Vision: Shaping the 'Responsible Business' Narrative for the Future of Life Insurance.