Unlocking Synergy: Cognizant's Unique Approach to Merging Organisations and Building a Harmonious Leadership Team.
Cognizant had purchased a new business and wanted to integrate the two organisations.
On paper, everything was going smoothly. Meetings were going well.
Relationships were strong. The future ambition was clear.
Plans were being executed.
Everyone was working together fine.
But there was a sense that something was not clicking under the surface. It wasn’t obvious, logical, or visible. It was just a feeling.
Bringing together two very different groups to work seamlessly is like doing up a zipper on a jacket. If you don't get it locked in at the beginning, it will never wholly connect and, at some point, will come undone.
Historically, locking together two tribes was done through marriage and gifts. For Cognizant, we chose a different approach.
Building on ORSC and Systems thinking principles, we designed a team contract that created a safe space to explore and discuss everything. We agreed on how we would manage conflict and disagreements. We stated upfront that the process was about creating something greater than the sum of the parts.
We then sought to explore what was hidden beneath the surface. To do this, we used Lego Serious Play. LSP helps individuals express what is inexpressible through words alone. Schubert, the great composer, once said that music began where words ended.
Instead of grand pianos, paintings or sketching pads, we head to Lego.
We explored the four fundamental systemic principles in the ‘merger’.
Do we belong, and what does it mean to belong to this group?
Is there a balance between what we give and what we receive?
Is it clear what our place is in the new system?
Can we and do we acknowledge what came before?
If any of these four are out of place or not in sync., problems can arise.
After a series of sessions, we could put everything on the table. The invisible was made visible and became something we could work with.
The result was a leadership team of twelve individuals who could share a story about their future and how they would work together. Belonging, Balance, Place, and Time were in equilibrium, and the team could move forward to create a successful brand.