Opening Up Space: Crafting a Unifying Narrative for Organisational Transformation


The challenge was to create a new narrative for the organisations. A narrative that embraced where the organisations had come from and where they were going. Formerly three or four business units in five countries, the business was being restructured, refocused, and centred around a new office.

We worked closely with the CEO, the head of change, and internal and external communications to create a single narrative. The story should connect every business unit and every employee. provide a dot on the horizon for the future and give plenty of space for customers to connect.

During a conversation about leadership with the CEO, "Opening Up Space” was created. So often, we seek to control people, clients, and the world around us by closing down space. Making situations and people smaller. The CEO, was committed to doing the opposite and “Opening Up Space” was born.

The story was bold and played strongly on belonging to a tribe. Whilst we may come from different business units and countries and sell different products, something unites us and binds us. A tribe, after all, is nothing more than a group of people with a. shared story and leadership.

The story was then tested and developed at Leadership Days in the UK. Using a method from Lego Serious Play, eighty Leaders were given the tools to tell their own story of what being part of the ABF tribe meant. The content and insights were reintegrated into the evolving narrative.

The story provided the script for the Change Programme that I went on to support with the CEO and Head of Change.


Feeding the Future: Nutreco's Visionary Narrative for Sustainable Protein Production.